50 Must-Read IT Blog Posts for Businesses

IT blog

50 Must-Read IT Blog Posts for Businesses

An IT blog is essentially a personal online diary or personal online sharing site, often published on the Internet consisting of informal, usually textual blog-style posts. Posts are generally displayed in reverse chronological order, which means the newest post appearing at the top of the page, above all others. Many people use IT blogs to share technical information, usually in the form of online tech support articles. These may also include tips and other resources for IT professionals on various technologies.

A few years ago there was a boom in IT blogs, as more businesses found out that using virtualization and cloud computing for their internal network reduced costs and increased productivity. These technologies, however, are still fairly new and many corporate executives are still learning how best to use them. Another trend affecting IT and blogging is automation. Increasingly, IT departments are automating mundane tasks such as maintaining the IT department’s servers and adding software to the network. There are also companies that specialize in managing and running remote servers, which can be an especially lucrative business for those whose positions are located in remote locations.

One other trend is the increased use of social media to share information. Many large corporations have accounts on both Twitter and Facebook, and it seems they have found that these two sites are good tools for communicating with customers as well as generating new leads and sales. So now not only IT departments are sharing information with the outside world, they are also using the social media sites to do so. There are many different ways that an IT blog can be used to enhance the company’s efficiency and the bottom line.