Why IT Blog Writing Is Increasing

The term “IT blog” is extremely ambiguous and could apply to a wide variety of topics – from information technology news to interviews with IT professionals. A blog is simply a blog or web site published over the Internet, consisting generally of concise, usually informal text posts written in a conversational tone. Posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the latest post appearing at the top of the page, above the more recent posts. Blogs are often self-published by independent individuals and organizations or contracted out to an IT content management company.

Blogs can be written by anyone interested in IT or computing, but they are generally more popular among IT professionals who tend to write in an informal, “from the grass roots” fashion. This casual tone is very conducive to building trust between IT professionals and their readers, as it allows the IT writer to be more real and “down-to-earth” in his writing. Many blogs address current industry problems or discuss cutting edge trends in IT that will be interesting to readers. However, one trend in recent years has been an increase in IT blog writing that is aimed at presenting information to readers in a way that is more technical in nature. This new style of blog is also catching on with the larger community of IT professionals who prefer to write more technical articles that are designed to help other IT professionals.

One example of an increasing trend in IT blog writing posts that are created for social media marketing. In this approach, the author writes a brief article that can be repurposed by a social media outlet as content for their blog. For example, a security vendor might create a blog post, which explains why their product is better than the competition. Following this article, the social media outlet that the blog relates to may create a link back to the security vendor’s website, and then the two parties can share some insight about the differences in their products, and why they believe that their product is better.